Internet adresa:



Dodatne informacije


Information Technologies

Uža specijalnost :

Software development and outsourcing

Poslovanje sa inostranstvom:

North Macedonia, UK, USA, The Netherlands

Dodatne informacije :

At IT Labs, we are focused on providing a platform where talented individuals can flourish and grow into top notch professionals through continuous mentorship and hands-on experience working on exciting, international projects. Established in 20 more than 15 years’ of continuous growth, our ecosystem has grown to 250 team members across three continents. Our teams are focused on delivering excellent service and products to our clients, helping them achieve a competitive advantage and set them up for long term success. We achieve this by following a set of five principles-People, Integrity, Excellence, ProactivityandInnovation, which are all infused into our core belief of meritocracy. The best idea always wins, and we support our teams in their efforts to turn their best ideas into reality. All of this fosters a thriving and inspiring work environment that helps people grow both professionally and personally. Why? At our company, we believe that when people are happy, they do great work. We celebrate our successes, give recognition, work, play, but above all, we always treat each other with the utmost respect.

Broj zaposlenih :


Procenat zaposlenih sa visokim i višim obrazovanjem:


Prakse u ponudi:

Full Stack Internship (.NET + React) Quality Assurance Internship

Broj otvorenih pozicija u kompaniji:


Potreban obrazovni profil :

Bachelor of Science

Zahtevani broj godina studija:


Poželjne dodatne veštine, znanja ili osobine :

- Teamplay - Willingness to learn new technical and soft skills - Flexibility - Proactiveness - Self starters - Good communication skills

Zahtevani nivo poznavanja stranih jezika :

Fluent in English both spoken and written (upper B2 level at least)

Rad na računaru :

Advanced computer skills

Radno iskustvo:

Not required

Posebni zahtevi :
